Thursday, July 8, 2010

Vacation Time

This past week my wife and I have taken a vacation to her hometown of Nashville, Tennessee. I planned to work some and vacation some... bad choice. It seemed that whenever we'd plan to do something together, something came up at work. Regardless, we managed to have a pretty good time visiting her family.
We did managed to get a little too much sun. I only have a little burn on my shoulders but Brandy got it pretty bad on her whole front half. Oh well, she learned she didn't tan like she used to.
At the moment I'm sitting in cousin Becky's condo in Charlotte, North Carolina and finally feel like I'm on vacation... and we go home tomorrow. There aren't any fires to put out at work, just some tasks to get done during the day tomorrow. Both Brandy and I are pretty tired from staying out late last night at her sister's house, packing, me having a terrible allergic reaction to her sister's cats and catching the first plane out this morning. I just woke up from a quick nap and Brandy's still asleep, I enjoy naps. Becky picked us up this morning, we grabbed lunch at Chic-fil-a, walked around the mall and finished our outing with some ice cream from Coldstone Creamery. It was like being a kid again, having someone take you out and buy your lunch and ice cream, it was really fun and Becky's a blast anyway.

Time to relax a bit longer before having to head home tomorrow.

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